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GuppY 5.02.02: 100th version of GuppY - by Guppy_Team 18/12/2017 @ 16:40

GuppY: Pack GuppY 5.02.02, cumulative and non-cumulative patchesgylogo.png


This pack is the 100th version of GuppY

And this release comes just a few days before GuppY's 15th birthday, the first version of miniPortail was released on December 30,2002 before being named GuppY on September 24,2003.

Thank you to aldweb its creator, thank you to all participants in the GuppY adventure.

For this 100th version, we have the pleasure to propose you, in addition to the additions, improvements, corrections, two important novelties:

 integration of the jQuery Liquid Slider plugin including the administration part.

Prerequisite: PHP 5.4 minimum

correction of the display of the control panel in admin
fixed the display of the footer in admin
maintenance of the site limited to administrators only
taking into account the secondary admin in the modules
fixed access rights to the admin panel in Config services
correction of dynamic menu addresses (thanks Papinou)
deletion of the GuppYUser5 cookie
Special characters in passwords are taken into account.
improvement of the admin protection
improvement of the total removal of a member
correction of the location of the counter of views of the photoramas (thanks Papinou)
Added and integrated slideshow images and videos Unite Gallery Unite
addition and integration of the LiquidSlider text slideshow


You must be registered as a member of your site and to administer it you must put your nickname in Admin / Config services.

Since you will no longer have access to admin by adding admin/admin. php to your url, we recommend that you declare a secondary administrator in Admin / Config services to allow you to log in to Admin if you have problems with your Primary Administrator account. The nickname and email must be different from the Primary Administrator account.

If access to the admin is protected by a. htaccess, you only have to enter your login and password to access the admin, both are linked.

In the next version, the strength of the password will be evaluated as it is entered, the number of characters will be increased to a minimum of 8 characters up to a maximum of 40, lower case, capital letters, numbers and special characters, and a password will only be accepted with a minimum score of 45%, always in order to enhance the security of the sites.

You can inform the members of your sites, they can change their password as soon as they install this patch.

Two patches are needed to stay within the 2MB limit imposed by some hosting providers:

First with the Install function, you update CKEditor with the patch-CKEditor-v480, available in the Download and GuppY section.

Then, to switch from version 5.02.01 to version 5.02.02, you must use the gy-non-cumulative-50202 patch, following this procedure:
    download the patch and install in admin with the Install function of GuppY,
    validate the usual configuration pages

After the installation you must go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:
    1. complete the configuration of the new fields in Config look,
    Save the configuration to save your changes,
    3. Click on "Generate Style" to update your Config look compatible skin, then several refreshes of the display of a page may be necessary to have a correct display.
As with all patches, it is advisable to revalidate all configuration pages as admin.


Many thanks to Saxbar for these integrations and modifications, many thanks to the participants of this version.

Happy holiday season.

The GuppY Team


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