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Call for contributions in 2018 - by Papinou 05/01/2018 @ 17:50

 Dear friends,

At the beginning of this new year, we wish you all the best and we invite you to renew your subscription for this new fiscal year 2018.

The totality of the association's resources come from membership fees and donations from GuppY users. Thank you all for your support and generosity.

According to the decisions of the Constituent General Assembly the amount of the annual subscription is fixed at:

    15 euros for a personal membership,
    30 euros for an association membership,
    45 euros for membership of a company.

You can pay your membership fee:

        by Paypal payment by logging on to the association's website
        by cheque to be sent to the treasurer of the association, Yves Le Borgne -Treasurer association freeGuppy - 22 rue du Trégor - 29490 Guipavas - France.
        by bank transfer. Contact the treasurer ( who will send you the bank details of the association.

The membership renewal period is open for elections to the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of the Association.

The renewal of your membership is necessary to participate in the General Assembly with voting rights, to be a candidate for election to the Board of Directors and to vote in these elections.

Article 7 of the association's articles of association specifies:

The Association shall consist of active members who are up to date with their annual dues. They are members of the general assembly with voting rights."

With kind regards

Guipavas on 05 January 2018                              
The treasurer of the freeGuppY Association         
Yves Le Borgne                                 


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