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GuppY release 5.03.03 - by GuppY_Team 31/05/2020 @ 10:43

GuppY Pack 5.03.03, cumulative and non-cumulative patchesgylogo.png

This pack is the 111th version of GuppY

We propose you the version 5.03.03 with improvements, corrections.

Prerequisites: PHP 5.6 minimum


  - correction of the redirection links for the mobile version
  - correction of the email sending function
  - correction of the login address in the account creation email
  - correction of the display of the forum news
  - correction of the live forum display
  - correction of the update of the forum indexes
  - correction of user icon menu settings
  - correction url-rewrite rule for reconnection after registration
  - correction of maintain

  - selection of the sender for sending the newsletter

To upgrade from version 5.03.02 to version 5.03.03, you must use the gy-non-cumulative-50303 patch, following this procedure :
    - download the patch and install in admin with the Install function of GuppY.

After the installation you must go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:

    - click on "Save config" to update your config look compatible skin, the generation of the .css style will be done automatically,
    - then validate each configuration page, then several refreshes of the display of a page may be necessary to have a correct display.


Thanks to Saxbar and to all the participants in this patch.

The GuppY Team


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