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GuppY release 6.00.01 - by GuppY_Team 22/01/2021 @ 16:02

GuppY Pack 6.00.01,  non-cumulative patchgylogo.png

This pack is the 113th version of GuppY

We propose you the version 6.00.01 with improvements, corrections.

Prerequisites: PHP 5.6 minimum


  - correction of the display of the blog and forum headers
  - correction of the display of the blog's boxes
  - deleting the horizontal icon menu title
  - correction of the next date in the blog calendar
  - correction of language images in search results
  - restoration of the inverted sorting of dates in the blog headings
  - correction of hovering menu options
  - possibility to select an image icon for the new options


  - reactivation of the forum signature images
  - reactivating image capture for social network icons

Thanks to Saxbar and all the participants in this patch.

The GuppY Team


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