
gysample.gifEnglish translators needed - 15/02/2004 @ 21:59 by Isa
Many english translations have been done today : "quotations" and "news" have been translated into english ; the remaining content will be updated with your help, as we hope. The "Realia Story" section has been changed and a forgotten article added ; major updates of these obsolete articles will take place soon.

As you probably know, to maintain a site is not a piece of cake. To maintain a bilingual site, it is worse , the more so as the GuppY team lacks of bilingual French-English members, able to make instantaneous translations. Nevertheless we do our possible to balance the French and English resources, every one making efforts. To make these translations claims us much energy and time, which we do not invest elsewhere. The effort to be deployed is heavy and, at this moment, discouraging for a part of the team, in whom I include myself.

The Users manual has been translated and it is a great thing. However, you have certainly noticed that many contents of this site (the "safety" section, the "Realia Story" section, the manual on "How customize GuppY ?", the small tale of Zerg) is available at the present time only in French. Aldweb is really sorry to note that GuppY remains thus Franco-French ; the team also deplores it.

That is the reason why today we call upon YOU, GuppY users, who read French and can speak English, so that you help us to translate the french contents of this site which are not yet. You, Guppy users who love GuppY, wouldn't you be happy to say that you use a software internationally recognized ? Yes, hum ? Great : you can contribute to that, by making English translations

The "emergency pack" is being translated. Remain to translate by priority :
- the "safety" section of the "toolbox"
- Zerg's manual on "How customize GuppY"
- when it is updated, the "Realia Story" section (we will inform you)

How to contribute ?

By using the possibility of reacting to the articles : you enter your translation and we will then update the article in its english version !

All the team cordially thanks you for the assistance which you are about to bring to us on this matter, and in a general way, for your participation to this splendid project which is GuppY.

PS : while our dear develoPHPers work hard on the next version of GuppY, the team is developing a FAQ worthy of this name. Your assistance will be welcome when it is a question of translating it