
First of all, I would like to thank you for your enthousiasm in welcoming the new GuppY release.
Let me also thank the GuppY Team which has been working very hard these last days to organize this event and to help you on the forum.

v3.0 patch 1
Even though we were very careful with full beta testing of the new 3.0 release, we left a few "couics". This was quite expected because of the increased complexity of GuppY's source code.
But we managed to react as quickly as possible. So, please download quickly the corrective patch.

One of the richest features brought by GuppY v3.0 is the possibility to extend its functions by the use of plugins.
Nicolas prepared a set of 4 of them in various areas : radios or music listening (yes, all possible while you browse on a GuppY website!), chatroom, postcards.
How could you live without these plugins?