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aldsmall.gifEasyGuppY updated for GuppY v3.0 - 28/02/2004 @ 00:48 by aldweb
EasyGuppY, our bundle offer which is made to have you run easily GuppY on your local PC, has been upgraded following the new version 3.0 of GuppY.

EasyGuppY installs the following software on your Windows PC (95/98/Me/NT/2K/XP):
- a webserver, WebWeaver version 1.20 (previously version 1.06)
- the PHP script language in its version 4.3.4 (previously version 4.3.3)
- and, of course, GuppY in version 3.0p1 (previously version 2.4p4)

Notice: version 1.20 of WebWeaver brings full compatibility with Windows 95, 98 and Me.

Please read all details here.